Last Room
Last updated
Last updated
Base Level 140 Quest // Level 150 Instance
1 day cooldown
Complete Episode Quest 15.1 + 15.2 Phantasmagorika including Steps 4 - 9 of 15.1
To begin this quest, make sure you've completed Memory Record (step 1). Then take left warp from the Verus Central Plaza to verus01.
Speak with Tamarin and he'll reward you with a Gravity Safety Device (which can be used by Verity in (verus01 123, 181) to get to the Last Room entrance directly).
You'll now be in the Last Room entrance, speak with Mark on your right to unlock the instance.
Talk to Mark (un_myst 163, 38) to generate and enter the instance. You can find him at the end of the Vestige's quest.
Once arrived at the pathway, talk to Verity. You'll find out that she is not feeling well. Tamarin decides to stay with her while the others go ahead.
Proceed North, and you will hear weird noises. A security system triggers, and monsters will spawn.
These monsters do a lot of damage so it is advised to go slowly. Eliminate all the monsters in the pathway, then kill the System Message in the south-west corner of the map.
Head North where you will find Tamarin. Speak to him, and he'll explain that Verity has ran away.
Head North again and enter the warp, a new security system will trigger.
Keep walking ahead until you meet another batch of monsters, and Verity at the end of the hallway.
Talk to Verity and enter the door with her.
Inside the room, talk to her again. She seems confused.
The final protocol begins. T_W_O and System Messages will spawn and attack you.
Eliminate T_W_O. She casts Wide Stone Curse, Wide Soul Drain and Critical Wound. System Messages will spawn as the time continues and start healing her. They are plant protocol.
After she's defeated, the protocol fails, and everyone appears, worried for Verity who does not remember anything.
Speak with Verity and you will be ported out of the instance.
Speak with Fruit (verus01 151, 173) to get a Gravity Safety Device and 1 Complete Machine Part.
CollapseSize / Race / Element
Small/Formless/Dark 2
Medium/Formless/Dark 1
Large/Demon/Dark 1
Large/Demon/Dark 3
ItemID: 27018 _______________________ Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%. _______________________ Base Level at least 90: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Base Level at least 120: Decreases After Attack Delay by additional 1%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory Weight: 1
ItemID: 27019 _______________________ HIT +1 _______________________ Base Level at least 90: HIT +1 _______________________ Base Level at least 120: HIT +1 _______________________ When equipped with GC109 Card: Random chance to increase ASPD by 5 for 5 seconds when dealing physical attacks. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory Weight: 1
ItemID: 27020 _______________________ Increases physical damage against all classes by 10% Random chance to Reduces enemy's SP by 40% in 15x15 cells around wearer when dealing melee physical attacks. _______________________ For each 3 Refine Levels: Increases the trigger rate. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Weapon Weight: 1
ItemID: 18997 _______________________ Feels like being controlled by an unknown machine. _______________________ HIT +50 FLEE +50 MaxSP -50% _______________________ When equipped with Broken Chips 01 and Broken Chips 02: ATK +50 MATK +50 Increases movement speed. Refine Level +9: MaxHP +10% MaxSP +50% _______________________ Type: Headgear Defense: 0 Position: Top Weight: 30 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 100
ItemID: 28326 _______________________ It seems it was broke in half during an uproar. _______________________ STR +4 _______________________ When equipped with Broken Chips 02: STR +8 INT +8 _______________________ Type: Accessory Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 100
ItemID: 28327 _______________________ It seems it was broke in half during an uproar. _______________________ INT +4 _______________________ When equipped with Broken Chips 01: STR +8 INT +8 _______________________ Type: Accessory Weight: 10 Armor Level: 1 _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 100
Speak to any of the members of the gang that you rescued from the elevator in Verus (Mark, Du, Tamarin, Alf, or Maggi). They ask you to investigate the fountain.
Click on the fountain nearby . The gang notices that the fountain is rather new and doesn't have any resiDu from water. They ask that you investigate the sundries next.
Click on the sundries slightly left of the fountain . Alf notes that it also looks rather clean, indicating that perhaps the city isn't as old as they think it is. He asks you look at the tree beside it.
Click on the tree northwest of the sundries . Du questions how the trees are able to grow if there is no sunlight and Maggi doesn't think it's enchanted in any way. Du notices something is in front of the door nearby.
Click on the signboard to the left of the tree . The gang sees a path that leads upwards to Verus Center Square, and Deu dashes off to see where it leads, and you quickly pursue after him.
Move north to Verus Center Square and speak to Du there . He asks you to check out a similar looking fountain above.
Speak to the fountain north of Du . The gang finds the city's condition disturbingly clean. Mark moves north and asks you to follow him.
Speak to Mark to the north of the map . He finds a path above him but realizes it's blocked. Tamarin goes to check it out despite Mark's warnings.
Speak to Tamarin northwest of Mark . He points out that the area past this point has been completely destroyed.
Speak to Maggi left of Tamarin . She senses a current past this point that isn't alive yet is strong. The Phantasmagorika Excavation Team hasn't cleared it yet, so the gang agrees to leave it be.
Talk to Du (verus01 221, 65). He asks you to investigate the device in the center of Lab-OPTATIO.
Talk to Fruit (verus01 151, 173) and accept her request to investigate under the bunker.
Talk to Verity (verus01 123, 181) and select the first option to go into the bunker.
Talk to Mark at the entrance (un_bunker 100, 96).
Talk to Alp (un_bunker 363, 171). He can be found by following the red line on the image below. Select Investigate and you'll get warped to a different room.
Talk to Alp again and he will warp you into another map.
Speak with Verity at the entrance and then move to the next portal.
Speak with Du inside the next room.
Move on to the next floor and keep going into the portal until you reach the Weird Piece. The portals will warp you randomly, so you'll have to keep trying.
Repeat this process until you meet Tamarin (you'll have to do this a lot).
Rewards are available at Fruit (verus01 151, 173) in exchange for Complete Machine Part (6827) , which drops from T_W_O as MVP reward inside the instance and you get from delivering the quest at Fruit after completing the instance everytime.