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Last updated
Use Warper > Instances > Friday
This Instance is only available on Friday
Talk to Mariage with a party to start the instance.
Mariage warps you inside, talk to Mariage again to choose the level of difficulty.
After 30 minutes inside the instance or after killing 100 monsters, you will able to spawn the MVP Lich Lord.
Walk to the Sculpture (1@md_gef 199, 70), in the bottom right corner of the map.
Walk to the top-left corner of the map, the MVP will spawn there.
Formless/Medium/Fire 2
Undead/Medium/Undead 2
Brute/Small/Dark 2
Formless/Medium/Fire 2
Undead/Medium/Undead 2
Brute/Small/Dark 2
Demon/Large/Undead 4
ItemID: 28483 _______________________ A protection ring that once worn by ancient king. _______________________ For each 25 Base Level: MaxHP and MaxSP +1%. (Up to Base Level 175) _______________________ Type: Accessory Position: Right Weight: 1 Armor Level: 1 Enchantable: Yes _______________________ Requirement: Base Level 99
ItemID: 27025 _______________________ DEF +30 MDEF +10 _______________________ Random chance to inflict Silence status on attacker when attacked by physical or magical attack. _______________________ When equipped with Royal Guardian Ring: ATK +5% MATK +5% Adds a low chance for 7 seconds wearer will be pocessed by Death Lord when dealing Physical or Magical Damages. When pocessed all physical and magical defense of target will be pierced by 100%. _______________________ Type: Card Compound on: Accessory Weight: 1
You can enchant the ring twice.
You can choose between three categories (Meele, Magic or Ranged).
Enchanting has no chance to fail.
80% success chance, in case of failure, the accessory with cards compounded on it is destroyed.
You can reset only rings with two enchants on it.
3rd slot
4th slot
3rd slot
4th slot
3rd slot
4th slot
Speak with Novice Collector at (gef_tower 57, 167). You must have the specific accessory you want to enchant equipped.
Has no chance to fail.
The enchant is chosen at random.
Reseting enchant:
20% success chance, in case of failure, the accessory with cards compounded on it is destroyed.
You have to kill the mobs to have a chance to drop Crafted Stone (25235) , which are necessary to enchant and reset enchants.
You need 10x Crafted Stone (25235) to active the sculpture, which is necessery to spawn Lich Lord.
The Royal Guardian Ring [1] (28483) drops from the MVP in Friday Instance.
You can enchant your Guardian Ring of King with Crafted Stone (25235) . Equip your Ring and talk to the Novice Collector at (gef_tower 57, 167).
Enchanting costs 10x Crafted Stone (25235) and 100.000 zeny for a single enchant.
Reseting enchant cost 10x Crafted Stone (25235) and 100.000 zeny.
(28483) Enchants
Fighting Spirit Lv3(4809)
Fighting Spirit Lv4(4808)
Fighting Spirit Lv5 (4820)
Fighting Spirit Lv6 (4821)
Fighting Spirit Lv7 (4822)
Sharp Lv1 (4818)
Sharp Lv2 (4817)
Sharp Lv3 (4816)
Sharp Lv4 (4843)
Sharp Lv5 (4844)
ATK+1% (4819)
ATK+2% (4766)
ATK+3% (4767)
ASPD+1 (4807)
ASPD+2 (4842)
STR+3 (4702)
STR+4 (4703)
STR+5 (4704)
STR+6 (4705)
STR+7 (4706)
AGI+3 (4732)
AGI+4 (4733)
AGI+5 (4734)
AGI+6 (4735)
AGI+7 (4736)
VIT+3 (4742)
VIT+4 (4743)
VIT+5 (4744)
VIT+6 (4745)
VIT+7 (4746)
Spell Lv3 (4813)
Spell Lv4 (4812)
Spell Lv5 (4826)
Spell Lv6 (4827)
Spell Lv7 (4828)
MaxSP+1% (4929)
Archbishop Lv1 (4805)
Archbishop Lv2 (4850)
Archbishop Lv3 (4851)
Archbishop Lv4 (4852)
MATK+1% (4883)
MATK+2% (4896)
MATK+3% (4897)
MATK Lv1 (4760)
MATK Lv2 (4761)
INT+3 (4712)
INT+4 (4713)
INT+5 (4714)
INT+6 (4715)
INT+7 (4716)
DEX+3 (4722)
DEX+4 (4723)
DEX+5 (4724)
DEX+6 (4725)
DEX+7 (4726)
VIT+3 (4742)
VIT+4 (4743)
VIT+5 (4744)
VIT+6 (4745)
VIT+7 (4746)
Fatal (29047)
Fatal Lv1 (4863)
Fatal Lv2 (4864)
Fatal Lv3 (4865)
Fatal Lv4 (4866)
Sharp Lv1 (4818)
Sharp Lv2 (4817)
Sharp Lv3 (4816)
Sharp Lv4 (4843)
Sharp Lv5 (4844)
Expert Archer Lv1 (4832)
Expert Archer Lv2 (4833)
Expert Archer Lv3 (4834)
ASPD+1 (4807)
ASPD+2 (4842)
AGI+3 (4732)
AGI+4 (4733)
AGI+5 (4734)
AGI+6 (4735)
AGI+7 (4736)
DEX+3 (4722)
DEX+4 (4723)
DEX+5 (4724)
DEX+6 (4725)
DEX+7 (4726)
LUK+3 (4752)
LUK+4 (4753)
LUK+5 (4754)
LUK+6 (4755)
LUK+7 (4756)
Costs 10x Crafted Stone (25235) and 100.000 zeny for a single enchant (you can only have 1 enchant).
Costs 10x Crafted Stone (25235) and 100.000 zeny.
Accelerator [1] (2800)
Expert Ring [1] (2703)
Pinguicula Corsage [1] (2745)
Swordman Figure (2766)
Morpheus's Ring [1] (2902)
Dark Knight Glove (2780)
Dark Knight Glove (2827)
Shaman Ring [1] (2777)
Shaman Earrings (2778)
Shaman Earrings (2825)
Magnetic Field Generator [1] (2805)
Lesser Elemental Ring (2680)
High Quality Cooler [1] (2809)
Dark Knight Belt (2779)
Dark Knight Belt (2826)
Morpheus's Bracelet (2649)
Safety Ring (2615)
Self-destruct Device [1] (2802)
Armor Charm (2656)
Camouflage Generator [1] (2808)
Morrigane's Belt (2650)
Sacrifice Ring (2653)
Cursed Hand [1] (2728)
Skull Ring (2609)
Occult Incense (2639)
Thief Figure (2770)
Morrigane's Pendant (2651)
Shape Shifter [1] (2803)
Goddess of Fortune's Cursed Brooch (2652)
Hovering Booster [1] (2801)
Merchant Figure (2771)
Archer Figure (2769)
Rogue's Treasure (2620)
Medal of Honor (2720)
Medal of Honor (2721)
Medal of Honor (2722)
Medal of Honor (2723)
Medal of Honor (2724)
Medal of Honor (2725)
Sprint Ring (2744)
Death Loop [1] (2732)
Bow Thimble (2619)
Rogue's Treasure (2620)
Glove (2604)
Glove [1] (2624)
Eye of Dullahan (2614)
Waterdrop Brooch [1] (2787)
Shinobi Sash (2654)
Kafra Ring (2640)
Golden Bell (2843)
Glorious Ring (2772)
Bison Horn [1] (2702)
Foot Ring (2737)
Celebrant's Mitten (2617)
Cursed Star (2748)
Lantern of Hope (2666)
Glorious Mass-Production Ring (2774)
Diabolus Ring [1] (2729)
Navel Ring (2736)
Mysterious Pendant [1] (2714)
Seal of Continental Guard [1] (2730)
Wing of Icarus (2726)
Glorious Popularized Ring (2773)
Rosary (2608)
Rosary [1] (2626)
Bell Scarf (2664)
Aumdura's Benefit [1] (2781)
Gold Christmas Ring (2636)
Gold Ring (2610)
Lunatic Brooch [1] (2718)
Belt [1] (2627)
Iron Wrist (2719)
Silver Christmas Ring (2637)
Flower Ring (2612)
Rune Spellstone [1] (2731)
Acolyte Figure (2767)
Ragnarok Limited Edition (2712)
Critical Ring (2616)
Critical Ring (2688)
Nile Rose [1] (2647)
Nile Rose [1] (2658)
Linen Glove [1] (2749)
Red Silk Seal (2700)
Angelic Ring (2743)
Clip [1] (2607)
Cooling Device [1] (2804)
Repair Kit [1] (2807)
Bradium Ring [1] (2789)
Bradium Earring [1] (2788)
Bradium Brooch [1] (2790)
Alchemy Glove [1] (2854)
Telekinetic Orb (2853)
Sacred Incense (2638)
Cold Heart (2746)
Ring (2601)
Ring [1] (2621)
Christmas Music Box (2784)
Exorcising Ring (2665)
Necklace (2603)
Necklace [1] (2623)
Magic Stone Ring [1] (2794)
Orlean's Glove [1] (2701)
Orlean's Glove [1] (2785)
Special Cooler [1] (2810)
Dark Knight Belt (2826)
Magician Figure (2768)
Brooch (2605)
Brooch [1] (2625)
Orlean's Necklace [1] (2881)
Fashion Hip Sack (2641)
Eye Stone Ring [1] (2783)
Matyr's Leash (2618)
Black Cat (2747)
Silver Ring (2611)
Green Apple Ring (2795)
Diamond Ring (2613)
Bowman Scarf (2727)
Librarian Glove [1] (2716)
Earring (2602)
Earring [1] (2622)
Bloodied Shackle Ball (2655)
Moonlight Ring (2645)
Renown Archer's Glove (2667)
STR+2 (4701)
STR+3 (4702)
STR+4 (4703)
AGI+2 (4731)
AGI+3 (4732)
AGI+4 (4733)
VIT+2 (4741)
VIT+3 (4742)
VIT+4 (4743)
INT+2 (4711)
INT+3 (4712)
INT+4 (4713)
DEX+2 (4721)
DEX+3 (4722)
DEX+4 (4723)
Fighting Spirit Lv3 (4809)
Fighting Spirit Lv4 (4808)
Fighting Spirit Lv5 (4820)
Sharp Lv2 (4817)
Sharp Lv3 (4816)
Sharp Lv4 (4843)
Spell Lv3 (4813)
Spell Lv4 (4812)
Spell Lv5 (4826)
Expert Archer Lv1 (4832)
Fatal (29047)
Fatal Lv1 (4863)
Fatal Lv2 (4864)
Archbishop Lv1 (4805)
Archbishop Lv2 (4850)
ATK+1% (4819)
MaxSP+1% (4929)
MATK+1% (4883)
MATK Lv1 (4760)
SP+50 (4800)
SP+100 (4801)
HP+200 (4796)
HP+400 (4798)
MaxHP+1% (4861)
MaxHP+2% (4862)
MDEF+2 (4786)
MDEF+4 (4787)
DEF+6 (4792)
DEF+12 (4794)