Players commands
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Last updated
Some commands can be enabled at NPCs Settings in our main office for automatic activation each time you log in. The NPC login settings is located at the 4th floor of the Main office.
Ingame Auto attack commands:
autoattack: Enables you to customize and use auto attack feature.
@aa: Enables you to customize your auto attack command by allowing you to set up skills that can be cast, potion settings, loot settings, mob settings, and more.
@aaend: Stop your auto attack system.
@commands: Displays all available commands.
@autoloot: Automatically picks up dropped items.
@alootid: Allowed you to loot specific item.
@hidepet: Hide pets around you.
@hidepetall: Hide pets around you including your pet.
@autoloottype: Enables looting of a specif type of items. (eg. card, usable etc.)
@ps: Allows you to brodcast a message that you are looking for a party.
@whodrops [item name]: Shows which monsters drop a specific item.
@storage: Open storage anywhere.
@whereis [monster name]: Locates a monster's available map. VIP Users only
@mobinfo [mob name/ID]: Displays monster information. VIP Users only
@go #: Instantly teleports you to a specified town.
@autotrade: Sets up a shop to automatically sell items while being offline.
@refresh: Refresh your screens.
@showexp: Show exp gain in the screen.
@iteminfo: Shows item information (type, price, etc.) VIP Users only
@request: Send a message to all online GM/staff.
@uptime: Displays the current server time.
@time: Check the server time.
@noask: Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites.
@noks: Enable/disables kill stealing protection.
@pettalk: Allowed players to talk using pets. VIP Users only
@duel (player name): Enables duel mode, if a valid name is provided.
@invite (player name): Invites a player to duel.
@accept: Accepts a duel invitation.
@reject: Rejects a duel invitation.
@leave: Leaves duel mode.
Account Management Commands:
@deletecharacter: Delete specific character you want to delete in-game.
Please take note before using this command you MUST log-in the character you want to delete in-game.
Always read notes, Deletion table is provided in-game so you must read it first before entering your in-game password
Gepard commands:
!ping : shows statistic of connection
@colornick : change you character name color
@joinbg <0-2>: enlist to the battleground queue (0: solo 1: party 2: guild)
@bg: Allows you to warp to Battleground area to exchange badges
@guildskill <EC/RS/RG/BO>: performs a guild skill (usable in WoE maps too)
@guildskillinfo: check if the guild skills are available to cast or show the remaining cooldown.
@leader <player name>: transfer the team leader to another player.
@reportafk <player name>: kicks an AFK player from the arena.
@order <message>: shout a message to the team.
@listenbg: enable/disable the battleground's announces.
@bgrank: displays the Battleground's rank.
@woerank: displays the WoE's rank.
Utilities commands:
@Hourlyban: Ban getting hourly points.
@MHP: To check you hourly points in total.
@mainoffice: Warp your character to Main office.
@eden: Warp your character to Eden area map.
@vend: Warp you to vending area.
@mh: Let you warp to Monster Hunter Quest Map.
Use the "@" symbol before each command.
Commands are case-insensitive.
For more detailed information on each command, use "@help [command name]".
/noctrl or /nc — Allows attacking monsters continuously with only one left-click.
/noshift or /ns — Allows targeting monsters or other players in PvP arenas with support skills without having to press the Shift key.
/where or /w — Shows the map name and coordinate you are at.
/quake — Enables or disables screen shaking effects.
/effect — Turn on/off animation effects from all skills.
/mineffect — Turn on/off minimal effects from all skills.
/savechat — Saves the chat.
/exall and /inall — Block and unblock all private messages.
/emblem — Toggles the display of guild emblem.
/notrade — Declines trade offers automatically.
/showname — Change the name font type.
/fog — Toggles fog effect.
/lightmap — Toggles lightmap effect.
/sound — Turn sound effect On/Off.
/organize [Party Name] — Create a party. Required Job level 7 to organize a party.
For more helpful Slash Commands, simply type /h in-game.
Please be aware that certain commands can have level limits or call for particular permissions. Please feel free to contact our friendly Staff on our Discord channel or in-game for further information or help.