Beginners Guide
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Are you unfamiliar with Ragnarok Online and unsure of how to use it or what it does? Don't worry; AsurielRO is here to assist you and get you going.
Welcome to Ragnarok Online! This is where you will start. Simply follow the steps towards the portal. Don't forget to read the tips in the chatbox!
1 (Account bound)
Allows you to use the server features easily by using this book.
1 Box (Account bound)
Appreciation box that gives the following items: - 1 Auto Attack Scroll - 1 Battle Manual Box - 1 Job Manual Box - 1 Bubblegum Box - 1 AsurielRO Treasure Box - 1 HD Cardium, HD Bradium, HD Elunium, HD Oridecon, Enriched Elunium, Enriched Oridecon. - 10 Kafra Cards - 1 AsurielRO VIP (1day) - 1 Party Blessing, Asumptio, Adrenaline Rush Scrolls - 1 Life insurance - 1 Butterfly Wing Box
Contains support equipment's and bag expansion
Each level you will get this item until level 95
You will be inside the board on the beginning map, and you can access each portal to get to a different map or location.
Once you've passed through the first portal, you'll come upon a person who is unconscious and in need of assistance. He will converse with you and provide you with some information if you simply click the cursor through it.
Open the Quest tab and follow the instructions.
Once you've gone through the next portal, you can get off the boat and move on to the next phase. and to begin, you need to speak with Captain Carroc.
Captain Carroc will inform you that you must have certain items in order to board the next boat on the left, which will take you to Izlude. Additionally, he will inform you that the nearby monsters, or porings, will provide you with the necessary resources.
To help you combat those porings, Captain Carroc will also give you one base level and one job level. Also, he will provide you some dialogue on how to employ appropriate attacks.
Next talk to the NPC near Captain Carroc.
Press and hold Alt + E to view the equipment and select the "USE" tab. It contains a first-aid potion box that grants numerous goods, but be aware that in order to utilize it, you need to have five basic levels.
Adding stats points, now press Alt + A in able to view your stats options and choose what stats you want to start.
Talk to the sailor and he will tell you some information.
Entering to the portal on left will let you fo to the next map named Izlude.
Once arrived on the next map talk to Captain Carroc.
You will receive some information from Captain Carroc on the Training Academy and navigational features. In order to ensure you fully understand it, he will also provide you with some illustrations.
After descending the steps, you will encounter a black shadow. It will tell you how to utilize the ALT + E command and provide you with some information. He'll give you a "help-me-short" item when they finish talking.
When you double-click the object, a charming penguin will appear and speak with you to provide you with some information.
Learning Play Dead
Registering for the Academy
Selecting “Location for Trainers” then selecting “Game Mechanic Tutorial Instructors” or “1st job trainers” will bring up a list of hyperlinks for each NPC. Clicking a link will bring up the Navigation Tab to guide you to the NPC you selected.
Selecting “Location for Trainers” then trying to select “Return to the previous menu” or “End Conversation” refreshes the same page, you cannot return to previous menu or end the conversation using these options at this time.
You can talk to the different job NPCs on the second floor of the academy, you can take a skill book which gives you some of the class skills, as long as you are not past base level 12.
Monster Combat Quests
These quests have a level requirement of base 15, so it's good to get them before you do the other quests. Go speak with Subino (59, 83) in the Armory, choose "Check requests" and take all the quests. To finish the quests, you must do the following:
10 Poring
5 Jellopy
10 Lunatic
1 Carrot
10 Fabre
3 Fluff
5 Pupa
2 Shell
prt_fild00, prt_fild08
10 Hornet
3 Bee Sting
First Aid and Red Herb Quest
General Store Manager
When doing the Little Poring Quest, if you're not able to tame a Little Poring on the first try, you can purchase additional taming items at this NPC.
Hairstyle Change
If you want to change your hairstyle and color, talk to Otter Samssoon.
Read style book - shows you the styles you can choose from
Change hairstyle - lets you change hairstyle and color
Attributes Tutorial and Pet System Tutorial
Talk to the Adept Adventurer and he explains what pets are. Ask him that you want a pet and he warps you to the gardens.
Mayssel Quest
Note: This quest also has a level requirement where you need to be above base level 12 to get the rewards.
Shop Helper Quest
Refining Tutorial
Talk to Han again, and he tells you to talk to Tadde (145, 122). Speak with Tadde, and choose “Finish the question”. Speak with Han again.
Once you have the minimum of Base level 10 and Job level 10 you can proceed to the second floor of the academy to talk to the your respective class NPC and be sent to the respective area to proceed with job change.
AsurielRO Handbook
AsurielRO Gift Box
Ready2Play Box [ARO]
Contains 20x , 10x , 15x , 1x and 1x for the next level.
Once in Izlude, talk to Captain Carocc. He tells you about the Criatura Academy, and gives you a quest to visit Hun. Go talk to Criatura Academy Staff (izlude 122, 207), who happens to be Hun. He teaches you about how to use Items, and gives you an Apple Juice to drink. Double-click the Apple Juice to drink it. For finishing his quest, he will give you 30 Novice Potion, 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
Next, talk to the Information Staff NPC next to Hun. He will ask you to play a game. He will mark three locations on your mini-map. Go and visit all of them! Click on the Bulletin Board at the location to activate quest dialog. Even though Lumin took all the treasures you were supposed to find, the Information Staff NPC will still give you some EXP, 20 Novice Potion, 20 Novice Fly Wing, 10 Novice Butterfly Wing, 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 1 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
Talk to Instructor Argos (140, 260) to learn Play Dead . Just don’t talk to him for 20 seconds to learn the skill.
Speak to Academy Receptionist (100, 39) and select “Register for the Academy”. She gives you some EXP and the following starter items: Criatura Hat, 300 Novice Potion, and Criatura Hair Coupon.
He will warp you to prt_fild08 for free (the map 1 West of Izlude). Once you've killed all the monsters and gathered all the items, return to Subino and receive EXP and 4 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
Talk to the Therapist (59, 43) and choose the second option to get First Aid .
Talk to the Therapist again and select ‘Red Herb Quest’. Go outside and speak to the Academy Student next to the Red Herb (or walk up to the herb to trigger the dialogue). He gives you a Red Herb.
Go back to the Therapist and select ‘Red Herb Quest’ and she will give you Base EXP, 30 Novice Potions, 1 Apple, 4 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
Speak with Trainer Mainz, who explains about different status effects. Talk to him twice to get Base and Job EXP, Apple, 4 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 1 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
In the Armory, speak to the Attribute Expert. Choose “Experience of attribute” and get quest. Hit one of the Lvl 10 Fire Eggs, talk to NPC again and tell him how much damage you did, then talk to him again and get additional Base and Job EXP, 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
In the gardens, talk to the Friendly Poring and choose “Can I help you?”. He gives you 5 Little Unripe Apple and teaches you how to tame a Little Poring. Walk around the map and tame a Little Poring. If you don't tame a Little Poring with the 5 you were given, go to the General Store Manager and buy more.
Then talk to the Friendly Poring and the Adept Adventurer again and then the Friendly Poring will eventually give you a Pet Incubator and Apple Juice.
Go upstairs to Mayssel (iz_ac02 52, 136) and speak to her. When she asks if you want to know about the Thief class, choose Yes, please.. She will then instruct you to talk to Verkhasel and Vicente. After talking with them and answering their quiz, talk to Mayssel again to get 30 Novice Potion and 20 Magnifier.
Talk to Shop Helper (115, 181) in Izlude. Choose “Ok I’ll listen!”. Then talk to her again and choose “Experience training.” She’ll tell you to go buy 1 Red Potion.
Go into the Izlude Tool Shop and buy a Red Potion from the Tool Dealer. Talk to the Shop Helper Leonie again she gives you EXP and 50 Novice Fly Wing.
Talk to her again to get another quest. Sell the can she gives you to one of the NPCs in the Tool Shop. As a reward she will give you EXP, 10 Novice Butterfly Wing, 4 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 2 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.
Talk to Refinery Owner Han (153, 126) and choose “refining? Is it edible?”. Talk with Refining Machine Wagjak and choose your Knife and it will refine it to +1. Note: Can be any Level 1 Weapon, doesn't just have to be a Knife.
Speak with Locas who talks to you more about refining (price and effect). Choose “Finish the question”. Then speak with Han one last time and get EXP, 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation, and 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage.